Adullamite Photo Blog

Following on in the manner of my betters I have decided that a photo blog is required. The copyright is mine, but is it really worth it I ask....?

Monday 9 April 2012

Civic Pride



  1. Did you really take that shot at 12 noon, or has the beautifully ornate clock stopped. Lots of lovely details to see in this image Adullamite.

  2. Ha! The clock stopped during the renovation and has not worked since!

  3. I write and maintain a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.

  4. What a great photo! I love the composition. Sad to hear that the clock has stopped - that is not very impressive, is it?

  5. What a great photo! I love the composition. Sad to hear that the clock has stopped - that is not very impressive, is it?


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