Adullamite Photo Blog

Following on in the manner of my betters I have decided that a photo blog is required. The copyright is mine, but is it really worth it I ask....?

Saturday 25 August 2012

August Bank Holiday - Rain!


  1. Ah well now, you can't complain, you had a few days of blue skies..I saw them with 'your own eyes' haha!
    p.s . Adullamite do you get a lot of spam? If not, would you consider taking the word verification off, sometimes it takes two or three goes to get it right and leave a comment. I know a lot of people just won't even try to leave a comment when they see it there, ta muchly.

  2. Rain horrid rain!

    Your wish is my command!
    I have switched to moderation instead, so spam will now inundate me!


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