Adullamite Photo Blog

Following on in the manner of my betters I have decided that a photo blog is required. The copyright is mine, but is it really worth it I ask....?

Thursday 17 September 2015



  1. Goodness how old would that be Adullamite, it looks ancient! Found in a cemetery or as they called them in days gone by, a graveyard, I'm guessing?

  2. I canny mind how old that is but it would be the late 19th century. I wish I had taken note of the name and tried to look him up (it must be a him to have that above him). When fit I will wander down again and look at it again and one or two others. I reckon it goes back about 150 years.

  3. The good thing about the mirror-less cameras they are a lot less expensive Adullamite :)

  4. I canny afford a cheap one now! Boo Hoo!! :)


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