Adullamite Photo Blog

Following on in the manner of my betters I have decided that a photo blog is required. The copyright is mine, but is it really worth it I ask....?

Friday 22 June 2018


Jenny was somewhat surprised that we sold honey in the museum shop and I thought as I have nought else to say that I ought to show what we do sell and have sold over the years.  In fact we sell anything that sells as we need the money!  Local items, such as honey, chutney and jams as well as other items relevant to the area. 

 Books obviously, local ones and relevant ones...

Kids stuff of which much was relevant to the subjects studied, in particular Victorian items as they love the time spent under a Victorian teacher.  Funny how they do not wish to have such a teacher every day however.  Other kids things sell especially with Christmas looming so we stock what we think will sell, and some of it doesn't of course...

Spring brings out the gardeners but personally I am unsure whether this was wise.  Our garden is handled organically by the lass who produces a wonderful display constantly however this does not appear to inspire folks to purchase enough in my view.

Original 'Janet and John' books that some will remember, long before the days of Political Correctness ruined them.  I doubt kids today would understand them.

Stones sell well to kids, mostly the female ones who collect them, but boys like them also.  In the Swanage Heritage Centre which I visited the other year they had millions of these for sale.  As Dorset is the 'fossil coast' or some such name they have a big customer demand.  We only have a few these days which is enough for us.  I can understand why they sell as polished stones they may be but they are crackers when you sit and look at them.

Honey from a farm a couple of miles down the road.  Local bees provide this for our breakfast and jolly good it is too.  £5 a jar!

Depends on the biscuits...

Braintree Museum


  1. Costa Rica seems to have the idea that a football team consists of a goalkeeper and ten others who let the other team shoot at his goal....
    The school dinners book cover reminded me that once Leo was invited by his accountant to have lunch at a restaurant in London called School Dinners. It served rock bottom quality food served by women in the bottom half of school uniforms who caned diners who did not eat their dinner. As a man who expects his meat to be cooked rather than raw and still on the hoof Leo changed his accountant.

  2. Fly, er, does this place still exist? Asking for a friend...

  3. I've just googled it and apparently it is! Except now the tops are clothed and they have added 'schoolboys' to the serving staff...your friend - cough - might wish to know...

  4. Fly, er, my friend appears to have decided expensive restaurants are not really his scene...


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