Adullamite Photo Blog

Following on in the manner of my betters I have decided that a photo blog is required. The copyright is mine, but is it really worth it I ask....?

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Dead Centre


  1. Looks like there are some very old grave sites here Adullamite.. I have to confess to finding cemeteries quite fascinating.. You captured this one in such a soft light.

  2. Aye the light was what caught the eye.
    Cemeteries are fascinating. Photo wise there are pictures, but writings on gravestones offer poignant tales also. I was looking for dead soldiers, I put the tale on the main blog, and that is sad also.
    In the other cemetery, very early in the morning, a cat appeared as I sat quietly.
    I spoke, and thee poor thing gave a look like he had seen a ghost!

  3. You are so right Adullamite, it makes me so sad to read headstones for children and there were so many in days gone by. It's the opposite for me, if I see cat's in graveyards they spook me out :)


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